Welcome to Cross's Curiosities -- A Unique Antique Shop

This is a change-the-URL online riddle game. For every item you interact with in the shop (each level), you must derive an answer, which you type into the address bar of your Web browser, just before the .html. The address will look like this (the folder, if one exists, is already set for you):


Your answer can be a word, a letter or letters, a number (you will be told whether it is to be spelled out or in digits), a group of words and/or numbers, a phrase, or a name. Use only the lowercase letters a-z and the digits 0-9, with no spaces, diacritical/accent marks, punctuation, or symbols. If the answer is a person's name, usually you must type only the surname/family name (you will know if additional information is necessary). 

If you wish to see a few more tips, and to learn about the making of this riddle, click on the journal below.

If you are ready to begin the story, click on the letter below.

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